
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ode to The Husband. Sorry if it is too sappy for ya. ;)

As I was driving to work today, I was thinking about all the guys who have treated me badly in my life. The ones who just never understood how to treat a daughter of God. The ones who thought I was worth less than I am and who convinced me of it through their words and actions.
Then, it dawned on me.
I have a choice son of God who sees me for who I am. He doesn't judge me because of my weight. He doesn't disown me when I get angry or upset. He knows that certain people, places, and objects scare the living daylights out of me one day and I am perfectly fine with them the next and he is patient with that.
He holds me close, tells me I am worth more than I can believe, and kisses me goodnight.
I am blessed more than words can allow me to convey.

Michael Alan Thompson, you are my knight in shinning armor, my heaven-sent best friend, and the best man I know.
Thank you.