So, along with finding out our little trickster is a boy, we also found out he is due earlier! Thank heavens it is earlier and not later. I would have cried harder if it had been later.
The new due date is August 28, 2011.
I'm a little disappointed it is not on our anniversary, but this is good, too. :)
The pregnancy is going well. I just had another exam and I got measured and poked and prodded. I am supposed to go in and get some more blood work done in the next two weeks and then another appointment in 4 weeks where I get to hear about how I have amazing blood and the baby is great.
Sometimes the appointments seem redundant or silly, but I must say, as a first time mother, I am kinda happy that I have them so I can be reassured that there really is a baby in my belly and that he is alive and healthy.
I also have another Ultrasound at 28 weeks to see the rest of that which they couldn't see at this last one, stuff on the face/head. All I have to say is that if she tells me this time that it is a girl, I am going to throw a fit. I am seriously considering not finding out for any other children what it is we will be having, just so I don't have to have it change on me.
The joys of motherhood.
It does get better, right? Once the baby is in your arms and happy and peaceful and looking at you like you could never be anything less than perfect. That's why us women go through all this, right?
Motherhood is an amazing journey...little bumps along the way...oh, but the love!!! His laugh will melt your heart!
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