
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

More Elai than you can handle.

Well, time has flown by and we have really been poor at posting any blog entries. Hopefully that will change. We want to post at least once a week with something fun we have done/something that has happened to us.
Since the last post, a lot has happened:
  • Michael's sister, Leanna, left to serve a mission for the LDS church in Edmonton, Canada.
  • Since Leanna was leaving, we took the opportunity to get family pictures taken before she left!
  • Elai has learned night time is for sleeping, not crying, which we greatly appreciate.
  • Elai has donned the nickname "Bubby", a mix of 'baby' and 'buddy'. He responds to it, so it is his.
  • I got a haircut.
  • So did Michael.
  • Elai's aunt Vicky and uncle Aaron came to Utah and he stole their hearts.
  • Elai's plug fell out after emitting some extremely foul odors.
  • Elai has now begun to coo and smile. It is sooooo much fun! He loves doing the "bicycle", something a friend showed me to help relieve gas. Genius.
Here are pictures.


Steven and Chelsea said...

more pictures! more pictures! more pictures! you guys made one cute baby :)


Aunt Vicky looks like a natural but Uncle Aaron maybe needs a little practice? How fun that they got to hold Elai!

Thanks for posting!