
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

One small step for Elai, wait why are you scared?

So, as you probably already guessed, Elai took his first step! It was last Tuesday. (Yes, I know we are behind in getting it posted.) He was very nervous at first, but then once he realized we were excited, he started doing it more often. The best part was that his Oma and Opa were able to be there for it. In all, he probably took five steps on Tuesday, and a few on Thursday. Then on Friday, Julie and I tried to get him to take more steps, but he just kept bending his knees. He also seemed a little scared to try it again. All I could think was, "Wait, why are you scared? You were doing it just fine yesterday. Mommy and Daddy are right here and won't let you fall, just like yesterday. So why won't you take a step?" It was kind of annoying, but he is too cute to be annoyed with. He does randomly stand on his own, holding onto nothing, but if we start cheering, he immediately grabs on to things. Oh well, at least he has taken the plunge. So we all will be on to bigger and better adventures!

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