
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas to All!

Well, this Christmas we spent in Cedar City with our tiny family and skyped and factimed out to those around us. 
On Christmas Eve, we made peanut butter fudge (Michael's family recipe), Put together gingerbread houses, went shopping for last minute gifts, and watched The Polar Express.  Elai loved all the hustle and bustle and he really enjoyed when we laid him down for bed and Opa read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to him via a recorded book.  He thought it was so cool and kept turning the pages after the book was finished.  He loved hearing his voice and pointed to the pictures.  :)
This morning, when Elai came out and saw the tree lit up with all the presents (thank you to everyone--he loved all his new toys and has been playing non-stop), he got super excited and picked up the one non-wrapped present and laughed and tried to shake it open.  :)  Fun!  While we opened the presents, Elai didn't care about anything until the wrapping and that was off, then it was play time!
Michael and I went and saw Les Miserables after the morning rush.  It was really good.  There were a few parts, towards the end of Fantine's life and when we meet the Thernardiers that were kinda ew, but other than that we thought it was well done and definitely got the tears going, especially at the end.
Soon after we got home, Leanna skyped from Canada and it was great!  We got to hear convos from the Thompsons in Spanish Fork (they talked to her in canada, then we heard it here in cedar--crazy!).  She gets home soon and we are excited to see her.
We still have lots of calls and festivities to enjoy and Elai, thankfully, is taking a nap today so he can enjoy the night (us, too).
We love you all! 
Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Oma/Mom said...

We loved our FaceTime with you three! Thanks for the Merry Christmas!