We drove down to San Diego on Friday, March 9. Elai traveled really well, which is such a blessing.
We stopped at Tami and Jake's home to see them and introduce Elai to his cousins.
We finally made it to Oma and Opa's home for dinner. One of my favorite things to get in SD is Chocolate Malted Crunch Ice Cream from Rite Aid in Santee. I can't find it anywhere else, so I always pig out on it when I am in town. :D
While in SD, we did a LOT of stuff.
- Farmer's Market in Little Italy as well as the farmer's market in Santee. LOVE farmers markets!
- San Diego Temple to see Marlee and TJ exit the temple after being sealed for time and eternity. :D We are so happy for them!!!
- Wedding luncheon at The Shores, which is a restaurant along the beach in La Jolla. It was super delicious. Oh my!
- Seaport Village. I loved the candle shop and the sweet wooden toys.
- Old Town San Diego, including panning for gold at the Mormon Battalion Center and the Whaley House, which is supposed to be haunted, but we think it is just a bunch of hype.
- We went on a date while Oma and Opa watched Elai. We went and saw the movie "A Thousand Words". It was okay. Sadly, there weren't any other decent movies out at the time.
- Michael, Elai, and Oma went to the Olympic Training Center and the Chula Vista Nature Preserve while Julie stayed at home and relaxed and did homework.
- We played with the Player Piano Oma has. It was such a blast! Elai danced along with the music and it was so cute! When the Aguiars came over for dinner on Sunday we played and sang along. I don't think the DeLoura household has ever had that much voluntary singing. Hahaha. Genius!
- Michael and I barbequed for Oma and Opa on Saturday night. Yum! We love outdoor grills!
- We went for Frozen Yogurt at The Yogurt Mill with Laura, dinner and dessert with Juliette and John, and spent time chatting with Marcy and Bob. We loved being able to see our friends and are grateful for that time spent with them.
- Balboa Park with Oma and Opa. We went to the Titanic exhibit. It was so cool to see actual pieces of history that have been sitting on the floor of the ocean for almost 100 years. I found it interesting that papers were saved because they were sitting in leather bags. The tanning process made it inedible to sea life, thus preserving it. We also went to the Reuben H. Fleet Space Museum, which was fun. They had a geometry exhibit and one about black holes. Oma, Opa, Michael, Elai, and I all ate lunch by the fountain and it was such a beautiful day!
- Oma, Michael, Elai, and I all went to Cabrillo National Monument. Elai got a cute hat from Oma that says "Junior Ranger".
- We all went to visit Opa at his work and see what he does. There are so many factors in his job. It was interesting to see just how far his work extends and how important quick communication is in our society.
Overall, our time in SD was great. Elai was happy the whole time. He even enjoyed baths while there, which is surprising in itself. He is still pretty happy, but I think he really loved the southern California sun. :D
It was going to be awful having to go back to Utah, so we went to AZ first. The drivers in AZ are AWFUL!!! I almost had a nervous breakdown. Michael had to drive the whole time we were there.
While in AZ, we did a lot of stuff!
- We went to the mall and walked around. It was sad how thrilling it was to me to be in a mall again. Hahaha.
- We went to dessert with Chelsea and Q. Elai and Q were so fun to watch as they kept looking at each other, trying to figure out if they liked the other. It was so cute.
- We stayed in a Motel 6. . .we definitely miss Michael's Marriott discount. . .
- We went to Caramba's for lunch. Yum Yum Yum mexican food!
- We got a bountiful basket as a gift for Marlee and TJ and Michael went to pick that up for us.
- We went to lunch with Chelsea and Q. We went to this delicious sandwich shop. I got a veggie sandwich and it was incredible. Michael got a ham and turkey and deliciousness.
- Marlee and TJ had their reception in Mesa, so we drove out to deliver our present and congratulate them once again.
- While in Mesa, we went to Organ Stop Pizza. This is pretty much the coolest pizza place I have ever been to. The food was good, but the entertainment was beyond amazing. One man sat at this colossal organ and played. He also had controls for a string and brass section, and even dancing cats. I wish you could have watched Elai as he took in the show! I think he is becoming a music man like his dad. Mom and Elai danced as he played. The organist even played a Gershwin composition that included Rhapsody in Blue, my favorite song.
- Oh! After dinner, we went back to the car. Elai needed a diaper change, so Michael changed him on the front passenger seat. After getting distracted by conversation, he turned around to find Elai covered in pee along with the front seat. Elai just laughed. We did a quick wipe down and change into pj's in the middle of the parking lot, put a towel down on the seat, and drove back. It was so funny to see his face, though! Elai looked as if he knew exactly what he did and thought it was the most amusing thing ever. He is a sly child!
- Chelsea told us about this fabric store and it did not disappoint! It had really great prices on fabric and ribbons. There were a bunch of buttons, too! They weighed some of the fabric to price it as well, which was awesome.
- Chelsea also told us about this used bookstore. They had a bunch of books, movies, and games. We got a bunch of puzzles and a book.
It snowed on our way back to UT so it took a bit of effort on the drive back, which Michael so graciously put on his own shoulders. He kept us safe the whole way back.
All in all, a great time was had by all on our spring break. We were exhausted the whole week after, but it was worth it. :D