2. Elai has been drinking more formula lately
Michael and I were sitting on the bed this afternoon talking and laughing. Elai had just eaten and was lying on my chest, somewhat like this:

except Elai was more on his tummy.
Since we were laughing, so was Elai. I think being jostled around on my belly was also adding to his laughs.
Well, this small little voice in my head thought, "hmm, I sure hope he doesn't spit up on me". Sure enough, as I held him above my face, Elai laughed and spewed all at the same moment. It took us by such surprise, we were laughing even harder. I think Michael was about to lose it. I smile just thinking of how hard we were laughing.
Of course, when we laugh, Elai laughs. So he thought he had done something absolutely hilarious.
Not quite, Elai. As soon as the initial shock was gotten over and I could breathe again because the laughs were dying out of my system, Michael began wiping me up and I had to run to the bathroom for fear of puking. My entire neck/back of head was drenched in formula spit-up, making me gag. Ewww.
But, long story short, I have been spit up on by my beautiful baby and it provided many laughs in the process. Luckily I was able to shower and change right then. (Elai has a knack for spitting up on me at the worst moments, like on my pants right before my first class at SUU so it looked like I had wet myself. . .).
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