We had an ultrasound recently, and Elai is about 7 lb 5 oz, which puts him at a really good weight percentile, and we like that. He is healthy and has very little time left in the womb, which couldn't make me happier.
But, since I have gestational diabetes that has to be managed with medication, the possibility of a still birth if I carry him past 39/40 weeks greatly increases. So, we have scheduled me to be induced on August 29!
It is not something I am particularly happy about (having someone artificially put my body into labor), but when weighing the risks, alive baby wins every time.
There is still the possibility I will go into labor on my own before then, which would be amazing. I am 3 cm dilated and more than 50% effaced, so when I do go into labor, it shouldn't take super long (I hope).

It is comforting to know that in 11 days I will have my child in my arms, either way. I got really frustrated that I haven't progressed much, but then thinking about it--by tomorrow, I can count the days on my hands! I can accept that.
In a few weeks/months you will have a moment when you are both sleep deprived, you feel awful, and you will remember how badly you wanted him to be out. and then a few months after that, he will be crawling all over tearing your important papers apart and chewing on your shoes, couches, anything and while you're trying to figure out if you can go to the bathroom and get back out before he destroys something else, you will have a hard time remembering how badly you wanted him out!
but at least I could have a chocolate bar at the end of the day. . .hahaha. ;)
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